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Mother, writer, book fiend, music lover, history nerd. Staying true to my work, my word and my friends. Thanks, Henry.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

June 18, 1929

By this time, Leslie had turned 16 and Ruby was still 14 years old. I love the promises made by my grandfather in this one: a ring, a wristwatch and a "chawk cat" which I suspect is a phonetic spelling of "chalk" but am not sure. If anyone can tell me what a "chawk" or "chalk" cat is or was in 1929, I'd love know.  This is also the first letter that mentions marriage. Apparentl,y it had been mentioned before in conversation and Ruby was somewhat hesitant, no doubt because of her young age.

Gadsden, Ala
702 Elmwood Ave
June 18, 1929

My Dear Ruby:

I received your letter and which was glad to hear from you.  No dear, I haven’t forsaken you and hope not to.  I was sorry I didn’t write you sooner, but I have been so busy that I haven’t had time.  Dear, I will explain to you later about how I have acted which I am sorry of.  Yes, I still love you and always will as I have said before.  That is one of the promises I will try to keep.  I love you as much as I ever did or more.  I like you more than a friend.  My dear, I want to call you my sweetheart now and maybe some day I will call you my dear wife.  Which don’t agree with you, but I hope and pray to God that my wish will come true.  I’ll tell you the truth, Ruby.  If you loved me like love you there be a wedding in a year or two.  I will tell you the promises.  You know I promise the ring I gave you.  I promise you a wrist watch and one of those chawk (sp?) cats.  I will try to keep them.  Ruby you know I am hard to understand things.  I take things different than they really are but things will change for I understand you better.  I know I have missed lots of things and haven’t done lots of things, but I see my mistake now.  Which I will try to recover soon.  I don’t give up for I would fight for you. You may love another, but you are the only one in my heart.  Well, I will quit as I have to go to work early in the morning so I will close.

Lots of love and hoping kisses.  Your friend,
“Old” Leslie

Day are dark and sky
are blue but remember my
darling I have lots of love for

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