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Mother, writer, book fiend, music lover, history nerd. Staying true to my work, my word and my friends. Thanks, Henry.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

January 6, 1929

Several of the next posts will be a series of letters written by my grandfather to my grandmother when they were courting. We begin in early 1929 when he was only 15 and she had just turned 14.
Ruby Purcell, 1930
Leslie Watson, 1930

Alabama City, Ala
Route # 1
January 6, 1929

Dearest Sweetheart:

Yes dear I will write more regular too for I don’t get to see you as much as I use to.  I sure do hate that.  Oh, yes sweetheart I sure did have a good time Sunday and hope to have some more good times with you dear.  Why sure I let you drive again.  You couldn’t help the sudden turn...ha ha.  If you let me come up to see you Wednesday night I will ask if you may go with me to Lois’s.  Ruby dear nobody can beat your time, so don’t worry I am the one to worry, but I don’t believe you turn me down, at least you said you wouldn’t.  Anyway, I love you truly deep down in my heart.  Ruby, I know I am jealous of you but can’t help it.  I guess I am too jealous but it is just because I think lots and lots of you.  Just love you with all of my heart.  Do you think Santa Clause will give me my Ruby next Xmas?  I hope so any way.  Say Ruby how would you like to live in Akron, Ohio?  I believe I would like it alright that is if you lived with me.  Oh, my I wish school was out for if this half of term don’t rush over I might die on purpose.  I guess you are tired of reading this junk so I’ll quit.

Bye Bye Sweetheart.  
With worlds and worlds of love,

May I come up to see you tomorrow night?  Answer soon.

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